Please pray the Lord will show me what He is trying to teach me through all of this. Right now it just feels like a financial burden I can't afford. I know that is a lie and know He is THE provider and in truth everything is His and I am just a steward to which it has been entrusted. Please pray that I would have the strength to increase my tithing/offering. Right now it doesn't seem as though I can but earlier today I felt a burden to pray about expanding and increasing my support for a couple different causes. Pray that the Lord will show me whether this is Him closing the door for now or challenging me to give in spite of my circumstance. Ultimately it is not what I can do for the Lord's work but what He is doing to continually draw me into a closer relationship with Him. May this always be my reality.
PS: From my perspective this is really trivial when compared to the daily struggles faced by victims and orphans of AIDS, soldiers in Iraq or an Iraqi civialians, a Bolivian women sold into the sex trade trying to buy her way to freedom, a Turk, an Afgan, a N Korean persecuted for his/her faith, a Sudaneese refugee in Dafur or south sudan wondering where their next meal will come from, an East Timor citizen wondering when he/she will have the opportunity to raise a child without fear of civil war. And the list goes on. I find great peace Solice in the Knowledge that my savior and friend is a savior and friend to them as well and seeks to individually fellowship with us irrespective of our circumstances and what we think we can offer Him.
with a thankful heart
I can't believe they took your shoes. Your SHOES.
I was thinking this over. Shouldn't be too hard to find your stuff: Most likely it's a meth-head, and most likely they don't have a car. They will try to hock your things locally, and probably close to the school. Call those pawn shops and tell them to keep their eyes open.
Went to KV's ONLY pawn shop. Apparently they require id and therefore don't get much in the way of stolen property. I guess i can rest in the fact that the stuff was never mine to begin with rather merely entrusted to me until the Lord saw fit to remove it from my stewardship.
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